It is not a crime to fight for women's rights and child protection
I have NOT been convicted of incitement to hatred
At the beginning of the year, I had to take legal action against the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. I was wrongly summoned by the Dortmund police for identification purposes and was asked to give fingerprints because of my tweets and blog posts, which I write as a fully recognisable and traceable person. I wasn't prepared to do that.
Fortunately, the press reported on my case. There was a major report in WELT and NIUS about my case. This led to the state of North Rhine-Westphalia withdrawing the summons for identification - but only after I had filed a complaint.
Since 13 May, I now know that the investigation proceedings that were the basis for this summons have been discontinued by the Dortmund public prosecutor's office due to a lack of sufficient suspicion (in accordance with Section 170 (2) of the German Code of Criminal Procedure).
Even though the next proceedings were initiated immediately, another attempt by the transactivists to declare me a criminal has failed.
History of my persecution
Over the last two years, I am now sitting on a mountain of 12 proceedings that were handled by my legal expenses insurance because reports by transactivists led to a summons. In addition, last year I was dragged before the Higher Regional Court by a trans activist because I was not prepared to sign a warning letter. I am also fighting against the fact that a brochure that I co-published was indexed as harmful to minors by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs' Media Protection Review Centre.
I have to pay an excess of EUR 200 to 350 for each individual case, which is covered by my legal expenses insurance. I also have to pay for my lawyer's out-of-court work for the wrongful summons to appear. My legal expenses insurance doesn't cover this. I had and still have to pay for the court proceedings myself. I also have to waste my time phoning lawyers and organising my defence. And I have to deal with the anxiety and psychological stress that these proceedings cause.
I'm constantly waiting for my legal expenses insurance to cancel. Every day I expect to find another letter in my letterbox from the police or the public prosecutor's office or to receive another warning letter.
The accusations against me are just as hair-raising as those levelled at me every day on X (Twitter) by trans extremists. Unfortunately, these accusations are taken seriously. I list a few examples below.
Nevertheless, I am still not convicted of any criminal offence.
At the same time, all investigations that I have initiated due to direct threats, defamation, damage to my reputation or violations of my personal rights have been discontinued. The last clear violation of personal rights and copyright that I reported was delayed by the Dortmund criminal investigation department. I did not receive a hearing form, was unable to file a criminal complaint and then finally received a letter from the Hamburg CID stating that the proceedings would now be discontinued because too much time had passed and no criminal complaint had been filed. But what happened before that: I was called by the Dortmund CID and asked why someone would do such a thing - as if I was responsible for the perpetrator's behaviour. This ran parallel to the attempt to summon me for identification purposes.
I know from my lawyer and also from the press that I'm not in good standing with the police and the public prosecutor's office in Dortmund. Allegedly, a press spokesperson for the CID reads my tweets and described me as "not blameless". I now also know from the summons for identification that the CID and public prosecutor's office in Dortmund must be sitting on a whole mountain of charges against me. So there are far more than 12 charges against me and I assume that there will be more every day, because the trans activists are constantly threatening to do so.
Here are a few examples of how trans activists are keeping the police and courts busy:
Mrs Duwe asked me, as a gay man and father, how the mother of my child, who I speak about publicly, is doing. She is responsible for the fact that a few others then discussed whether I had bought the child from a surrogate mother.
Mrs Duwe's profile is somehow trans-hostile. Please take a look at it.
Ms Duwe's tweets are responsible for me being ambushed in the underground car park. (Evidence of this act and my responsibility is missing).
Mrs Duwe is responsible for right-wing extremists threatening me. (Evidence of this threat and my responsibility is missing).
Mrs Duwe has doxed a self-help group of parents of "trans children", which appears and advertises publicly on the internet and on social media. She is also responsible for the fact that the leader of this group herself created a link on social media between her public profile about her "trans child" and the public profile of the support group.
Mrs Duwe posted critical comments about a trans lobby association on the internet.
Mrs Duwe dared to co-publish a parents' brochure that helps parents to support their children in body and self-acceptance. At the instigation of the Queer Commissioner, it has been categorised as harmful to minors by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs' Media Protection Review Board. Mrs Duwe should therefore also be convicted of advertising conversion therapy.
Another thing that is in the files is, for example, that I would be asked to pay really high fines or face imprisonment, as I can raise money for my defence relatively quickly via Crowdfunder. Otherwise, the desired punishment would not have the desired effect. You negotiate with LGBTQ police officers with whom you are already on first-name terms.
A small compilation of tweets about me from the last few years
I couldn't collect them all. A lot of them denigrate my family. You only have to search for my name on X (Twitter) or the hashtags #seinichtwierona (Don’t be like Rona) or #ronanieren (a combination of “Rona” and “masturbate”) invented by trans activists.
There is a system of police, state and legally enforced incitement by trans activists against women
As I have been observing and experiencing what trans activists do for a long time, I know that I am not alone. The fitness studio owner Doris Lange is currently being sued for refusing a man entry to her women's fitness studio. Previously, lawsuits or investigations have been launched in Germany against Ana-Julia von Radfem Berlin, Montserrat Varela and Marie-Luise Vollbrecht. Marie had to defend herself against an unprecedented defamation campaign by the media, her employer and trans activists, which still has repercussions today. It is a testament to her tremendous strength that she was able to survive this massive bullying and stand up to it so steadfastly.
All these cases have shown and continue to show that there is great solidarity for women who fight back. I also received very generous financial and moral support on several occasions in the cases brought against me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you once again.
Nothing combats trans activism as reliably as bringing the actions of trans activists into the public eye in the event of opposition or criticism. The most successful way to combat these attacks is to publicise them.
Women in other countries also have to defend themselves against trans activists. As a rule, the primary aim in all these cases is to harm women who stand up for women's rights and child protection. In Australia, for example, the entrepreneur Sall Grover has to defend herself against a trans activist who, as a man, demands access to her exclusive app for women, "Giggle". He is being supported by an Australian human rights organisation that claims it is his human right to enter women's spaces because he has declared himself a woman.
Miss Delein has collected other cases here of men trying and failing to gain access to women's areas in gyms and spas. She has also collected evidence of how sex offenders and paedophiles in Germany are already exploiting the system by declaring themselves to be women, even before the introduction of the Self-Determination Act in Germany.
Maintaining steadfastness
I can confirm that this damage is being done. At the beginning of last year, I was still full of zest for action and published weekly articles and podcasts or supported feminist initiatives, but all these proceedings have damaged me so much and robbed me of so much strength that I am struggling to find my way back to my commitment. Some of my fellow campaigners have rightly given up or severely limited their commitment in order to protect themselves, their careers and their children. You have to imagine that you are currently at great risk if you stand up for women's rights in a recognisable, open and contentious way. It is not without reason that the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women has called for women not to be denied their right to political participation through harassment and character assassination campaigns or violence.
Nevertheless, I remain convinced in my commitment and these attacks make me all the more convinced of how important this commitment is. It is not and must not become a crime to stand up for women's rights and child protection.
If campaigning for women's rights and child protection is supposed to be "trans-hostile", then the "transgender movement" is misogynistic and a threat to children's welfare. When men claim that their existence is threatened because women have rights and children are entitled to protection, this is merely proof of their contempt for women. If they declare it a "trans-hostile" offence when women point out border violations, contempt for women and endangerment of children's welfare, this is perpetrator protection. When they assign responsibility to women for the actions of men and constantly accuse women of being murderers because they set boundaries, they are, conversely, trying to promote the crossing of boundaries.
Women's rights are human rights. Every human being comes into this world through a woman. Therefore, women's rights serve all people. Women are oppressed, abused, raped and killed solely because of their sex. Women are entitled to sex-based protection, which men must respect. Men who do not have this respect for women and blame women for male violence are endangering women.
The state and the authorities should finally do their job and protect women from these extremists and their open contempt for women. I will continue to campaign for this with full conviction.
Absolutely true!!! I applaud your courage and it's very important that we all support you!!! Please don't give up (although it's tempting...I do understand).
I've just tuned into the book launch of "Women who won't wheesht" by the Scottish women. Their courage is powerful...and so is yours! We must not let them get us down!!! Yes, it is a war and we will fight on!
I am lost for words. You were accused of promoting conversion therapy by producing a pamphlet to support children to feel comfortable in their bodies. The insanity is soul destroying. I am in Australia and have been watching Tickle V Giggle keenly.
This juggernaut of evil is destroying the lives of good, decent, intelligent and moral people. I just can't wrap my brain around it. Wishing you the very best. Please take care.