5 Kommentare

Absolutely true!!! I applaud your courage and it's very important that we all support you!!! Please don't give up (although it's tempting...I do understand).

I've just tuned into the book launch of "Women who won't wheesht" by the Scottish women. Their courage is powerful...and so is yours! We must not let them get us down!!! Yes, it is a war and we will fight on!

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Thank you so much, Mica

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I am lost for words. You were accused of promoting conversion therapy by producing a pamphlet to support children to feel comfortable in their bodies. The insanity is soul destroying. I am in Australia and have been watching Tickle V Giggle keenly.

This juggernaut of evil is destroying the lives of good, decent, intelligent and moral people. I just can't wrap my brain around it. Wishing you the very best. Please take care.

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Thank you so much!

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Kommentar gelöscht
Jun 5
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Thank you for your kind comment. I'm feeling that I have to continue. Giving up would mean they were right.

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