“If only I could somehow go back to 2018 and show myself these photos. These are not tears of joy. This was her very first feed. 40 minutes old. I know breastfeeding doesn't work for every woman, but the hopelessness of my situation is hitting me hard this time. I don't even have the chance to try. There is no lactation consultant, no surgery, nothing that could ever make my children suckle at their mother's breast. There is nothing my body can do for them. And there never will be. And the worst part is that it's my fault[1].”
Daisy Strongin wrote these words on Twitter after the birth of her daughter. Daisy is a detransitioner. In 2017, she described her journey to becoming a “trans boy”[2] on YouTube and called herself Ollie Chadra. At the time, she had her breasts amputated. She is now 25 years old. In the photo below her sad tweet, Daisy can be seen giving her newborn daughter a bottle and bursting into tears.
You are okay just the way you are - except as a “trans child”
On 1 March 2020, under Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn, a ban on advertising for cosmetic surgery[3] [4] was enacted in Germany with the widespread approval of the population[5]. Since then, minors may not be exposed to online or offline advertising for plastic surgery procedures that is "predominantly or exclusively aimed at children and adolescents"[6].
The year before, Jens Spahn was quoted on the website of the Federal Ministry of Health as saying[7]:
“The signal from our society to young people must be: You are ok just the way you are. Too often, adverts for cosmetic surgery convey a different, false message. Young people are put under pressure to change their appearance through surgery. To protect young people from unnecessary operations, we want to ban all forms of advertising aimed at them for plastic surgery. This is youth protection in practice.”
Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn, 16 October 2019
Just a few months after the ban on advertising cosmetic surgery was passed, the law on protection against conversion treatments was promulgated on 12 June 2020 - also under Jens Spahn. This law contains the following section:
"Conversion treatment does not apply to surgical medical interventions or hormone treatments aimed at expressing a person's self-perceived gender identity or to fulfil a person's desire for a more masculine or more feminine physical appearance[8]."
The juxtaposition of the two quotes makes it clear that different standards apply to the so- called "trans child" than to other children. For children labelled as "trans", the "self-perceived gender identity" allows interventions that correspond to their desire for a "more masculine or more feminine physical appearance". This means the interruption of puberty, the administration of opposite-sex hormones as well as plastic surgery and amputation of genitals or breasts.
"You are okay just the way you are" and the resulting protection of their physical integrity therefore does not apply to them.
Instead, on the basis of a subjectively perceived gender identity, they should be allowed to interrupt the important developmental phase of puberty, take opposite-sex hormones and undergo irreversible surgical manipulation and amputation of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. These are therefore serious interventions that damage sensitive parts of the body that were previously intact and healthy.
The fact that this deliberate interruption of an important developmental phase and the damage to body parts that are also important for healthy sexuality and later reproduction appear to be acceptable and even necessary in some circles is shocking. Instead of supporting children and adolescents in body and self-acceptance and in physical integrity, these children and adolescents are merely recommended drastic measures that damage the body.
The "trans child" is not okay as it is. It must first achieve its "true self" through "gender affirming treatment". It is "born in the wrong body".
The “trans child” converts in a self-determined way
The law on protection against conversion treatments potentially makes it a criminal offence for doctors and therapists not to follow the self-declared "trans identity" and not to support and affirm this self-diagnosis unapologetically. As a result, many doctors and therapists no
longer want to treat these patients due to this uncertainty about the legal circumstances[9]. In turn, sceptics or concerned parents are told that children and adolescents are at risk of suicide if they are not allowed to undergo these procedures. "Would you rather have a living son or a dead daughter?" is what parents can hear in clinics or counselling centres[10].
The diagnostic criteria on which these treatments are supposed to be based are based on sexist stereotypes[11]. There is still no scientific evidence for so-called "gender identity" - a supposedly innate incongruence between body and gender perception. On the contrary, it has been proven that discomfort with one's own body and gender subsides for most adolescents after puberty at the latest. Nevertheless, the gender identity ideology suggests that sexist gender role stereotypes could be innate as a feeling for one's own gender or as an immaterial gender soul and that there are people who are born in the wrong body. The body then has to be adapted to a perceived stereotype. Sheila Jeffreys labelled this idea gender eugenics[12] as early as 2012.
The law on protection against conversion treatment confirms this: Surgical medical interventions and hormone treatments that "express self-perceived gender identity should be permitted."
The similarity to cosmetic surgery is striking. Cosmetic surgery generally involves "interventions that are based on a woman's or man's desire to improve their external appearance without the presence of injuries or congenital malformations in the medical sense[13]." There are no injuries or congenital malformations in the case of a so-called "trans child".
The German Association for Transidentity and Intersexuality (dgti e.V.) was the main organisation that fought for the inclusion of "gender identity" in the law to protect against conversion treatments. "After intervention by the dgti e.V. and subsequently others from the community, gender identity was also included[14]." (Signatories to this press release are J. Steenken, P. Weitzel and J. Monro).
In the summer of 2019, the Federal Ministry of Health announced that it had "decided not to regulate this area in the new law, as the problems faced by trans people and homosexuals are different"[15] [16]. Obviously Jens Spahn has been persuaded to change his mind and has thus introduced a law that is similar to the methods of conversion treatment for homosexuals in Iran. In a 2020 publication, the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT) describes conversion treatments for homosexuals as follows[17]:
"The recommendation of gender reassignment surgery in Iran stems from the belief that homosexuality is deviant, but that it is possible for a person to be "trapped in a body of the wrong gender". As soon as such an operation is recommended, those affected are under extreme pressure to undergo it. As one person reported, "My family said to me, 'You either have to get your gender changed or we'll kill you'." According to sources, hundreds of people undergo these operations every year, and 45% of them are not transgender, but lesbian or gay. Furthermore, these operations "do not meet international clinical standards in any way and often lead to long-lasting health complications such as chronic chest pain, severe back pain, unsightly scars, loss of sexual sensation, debilitating infections, recto-vaginal and recto- urethral fistulas and incontinence."
Studies have known for several years that 80% of children and adolescents who struggle with their gender reconcile with their bodies when they go through the important developmental
phase of puberty physically intact. It is also known that children who develop a homosexual orientation in particular tend to reject their gender[18] and are also more likely to behave in a way that does not conform to gender roles[19].
Kim Petras' surgeon[20] - Dr Achim Wüsthoff - himself admitted in a specialist article back in 2018 that a large proportion of minors seeking these body-invasive procedures most likely have homosexual tendencies. As he himself says, most surgeons of his time were aware of this[21].
"The debate continues on the question of whether early hormone treatment iatrogenically cements and fixes a certain development and thus possibly prevents homosexual development. A few years ago, when there were no hormonal treatment options, a person with a gender identity disorder would almost inevitably have tended towards a homosexual orientation - as a female homosexual man or as a male lesbian woman. For this reason, those of us who carry out the treatment always have a certain amount of doubt that this could be an error of judgement and that we are changing the fate of a person's life with our therapy."
When it comes to the question of whether minors can consent to gender reassignment treatment and assess the consequences, the draft bill for the Protection against Conversion Treatment Act from 2019[22] shows that this is not the case.
"[Persons under the age of 18] are not in a position to adequately assess the lack of effectiveness and the harmfulness of the treatments and the associated violations of their sexual and gender development and self-determination. It can be assumed that they are generally incapable of consenting to conversion treatments. [...] [The fixed age limit of 18 years] thus concretises the general requirement that the more serious the treatment in question and the associated consequences are or may be, the stricter the requirements for capacity to consent."
The “trans child” is capable of self-diagnosis
Many girls have difficulties with the changes in their bodies during puberty. According to gynaecologist Dr Gisela Gille, a third of girls now say in their school programmes that they wish they were a boy - not because they actually want a boy's body, but because they reject their own body. In a recently published specialist article[23], Gille and Dr Alexander Korte show the parallels between anorexia and "gender dysphoria" that sets in during puberty and analyse the influence of pornography, sexism and social media on girls in particular.
However, in the case of discomfort with one's own gender, psychotherapeutic intervention and support for healthy self-acceptance and body acceptance is not provided, as is the case with anorexia. Instead, the girls affected are encouraged to become boys. On social media, they can expect to be labelled as particularly brave if they declare themselves to be a boy, change their name and strive for and carry out body-invasive measures.
The feminist and depth psychologist Amy Sousa aptly analyses that it is actually an extremely healthy reaction to reject gender role stereotypes in a sexist society and not want to fit into them[24]. This is also confirmed by the radical feminist and psychotherapist Stefanie Bode[25]. Both state that "gender dysphoria" is an activist-motivated pseudo-diagnosis. It pathologises a feeling that is normal for many young people, especially during puberty.
Furthermore, the actual causes of discomfort with the body and gender can hardly be specifically identified and therefore treated with this diagnosis. The diagnosis of 'gender dysphoria' declares something to be a condition requiring treatment that is either a very normal and healthy attitude OR a symptom of other psychological and neurological conditions. Absurdly, activists have ensured that this condition requiring treatment is no longer categorised as a medical condition in ICD 11, but still want treatments to be available as prescribable medical services.
The diagnosis of "gender dysphoria" therefore makes it possible for body-invasive measures to become a service financed by insurance companies and health insurers. It cannot be repeated often enough WHICH services these actually are: They are chemical and physical castrations and amputations and an abuse of drugs that are actually administered for completely different purposes and already have massive side effects there.
It is the only diagnosis that even the underage patient usually makes for themselves and for which there is only a single therapy and solution: The adaptation of the body to a fictional idea of itself. The "transchild" is therefore allowed to make a diagnosis for themselves and also determine the treatment.
The “trans child” can give informed consent
The idea of an undetectable, subjectively perceived gender identity therefore enables minors to visit endocrinologists and plastic surgeons and undergo drastic operations financed by health insurance companies. The fact that these procedures are already being performed on minors in large numbers and financed by health insurance companies is documented by a report on gender reassignment surgery, which was presented by the Bundestag's scientific service as early as 2022. 917 minors and young adults aged 15 to 25 underwent genital surgery in 2021 alone[26].
Clinics and surgeons who perform these procedures advertise their operations on platforms frequented by minors such as Instagram[27] [28] and TikTok[29]. If you delve a little deeper, it becomes clear that even young women without an expert opinion can have a mastectomy if they pay for the procedure themselves. It also comes to light that the clinics also allow minors to have their operations. The surgeons and clinics work with influencers[30], who have thousands of followers and speak enthusiastically almost daily about the consequences of testosterone use and mastectomy and name their surgeons and clinics. One influencer has even compiled a list of clinics with the costs of a mastectomy and information on whether an expert opinion is required. Girls who are waiting to finally turn eighteen write in the comments[31].
Elsewhere - the Queer Lexicon recommended by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs - girls are given instructions on how to cover their breasts with binders[32]. Influencers regularly give away these unhealthy tops. Boys are taught how to push their testicles into the groin canal and wedge their penis between their legs in order to appear to be a girl. This harmful BDSM practice is called "tucking"[33]. In the Queer Lexicon forum, a girl who does not like her vulva and is about to receive puberty blockers is suggested to have a nullification operation[34]. In this procedure, all primary and secondary sexual characteristics are surgically removed. A smooth surface is created in the crotch. This practice is similar to female genital mutilation ("FGM")[35], which is banned in Germany[36].
Here, too, a different standard seems to apply to the "trans child" than to other children. The category "trans" makes it possible to cross boundaries that are normally not allowed to be crossed by children and adolescents. With the "self-perceived gender identity", the "trans child" is assigned a decision-making competence that other children do not have.
This is also confirmed by the ad hoc decision of the German Ethics Council - also in February 2020[37].
It states:
• "The general right of personality also includes the right to lead a life in accordance with one's own subjectively perceived gender identity and to be recognised in this identity.
• The child must be heard in all decision-making processes and their ideas and wishes must be taken into account in accordance with their maturity and age. This rule is all the more important as it concerns questions of personal identity, which the person concerned must ultimately decide for themselves.
• The therapeutic interaction with the child must be organised in such a way that the child is introduced to the decisions that become more consequential with increasing age. The caring parents and the treating persons have the task of providing the child with the best possible support.
• If the child is sufficiently capable of insight and judgement to understand the scope and significance of the planned treatment, to form his or her own judgement and to decide accordingly, his or her will must be given decisive consideration. The child may not be treated without their consent or even against their will - solely on the basis of their parents' consent.
• The benefits and harms of medical-therapeutic measures, which are controversial in detail, must be carefully weighed up in each individual case. Just as the risks, (side) effects and long-term consequences (including possible infertility) that would arise for the minor as a result of active medical/therapeutic intervention must be taken into account, so too must the risks of not taking action. Particularly in view of the controversy surrounding individual options for action, those affected and their parents have a right to balanced counselling and information.
• A destigmatising approach to trans identity in children should be promoted and the discriminatory pathologisation of gender incongruence counteracted. Corresponding psycho-social counselling services and their cooperation with medical facilities should be strengthened."
The Ethics Council is therefore aware that the interventions and off-label medication with puberty blockers and opposite-sex hormones cause infertility. The existing legislation prohibiting the sterilisation of minors is being circumvented.
The German Civil Code states: "The parents cannot consent to the sterilisation of the child. Nor can the child itself consent to sterilisation[38]."
The clinics and doctors providing treatment are also aware that minors are highly likely to lose their reproductive capacity as a result of treatment with puberty blockers and opposite- sex hormones. Until recently, for example, the Centre for Transgender Health in Münster also offered the removal of egg tissue to underage, pre-pubescent girls. Their website stated[39]:
"Puberty-blocking or sex reassignment hormone therapy suppresses the maturation of sperm or prevents ovulation, meaning that reproduction is generally not possible during hormone therapy. Removal of the testicles or ovaries during gender reassignment surgery leads to irretrievable loss of reproductive capacity. [...]
For trans people with a female gender assigned at birth
- Cryopreservation of oocytes after hormonal stimulation
- Removal and cryopreservation of ovarian tissue, especially in pre-pubertal or early pubertal children/adolescents"
According to an article on NIUS[40], this information has been deleted. The current website only deals with adults[41].
The Ethics Council previously wrote: "The long-term effects of medical treatments must also be further investigated in order to put the difficult prognostic decisions on a better empirical basis."
These are now widely available - particularly from abroad - and the Federal Government is aware of them. Nevertheless, the Ethics Council is sticking to its ad hoc decision on such an important ethical issue.
For the "trans child", very quick decisions are made across the board anyway for serious interventions in their mental and physical integrity that will determine their entire life.
The “trans child” is violated without sufficient evidence
After many countries such as Sweden, Finland, Denmark, the UK and some states in the USA have already discontinued such interventions on minors, it is gradually becoming apparent in Germany that the years of severe hormonal and surgical interventions on minors are not leading to the promised improvement. In the Netherlands, the Dutch Protocol[42], on which the international treatment of minors with puberty blockers is based, is currently being reviewed. Previously, more detailed analyses of the data situation had already shown that the work here was inaccurate[43].
In October 2023, the scientific service of the German Bundestag presented a report on the ban on puberty blockers abroad[44], and since February 2024 a study has also been available from Jena, which shows that there is insufficient scientific evidence for the benefits of treating minors with puberty blockers[45]. One of the doctors involved in the study consequently resigned from the commission tasked with developing a treatment guideline for minors with gender dysphoria for reasons of medical ethics[46]. Shortly after publication of the Jena study, the planned guideline was downgraded from S3 (evidence-based) to S2k (consensus- based)[47].
A week later, the WPATH files[48] were published - a summary of chats[49], video conferences and email exchanges between members of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which clearly show that these doctors are aware that patients cannot give informed consent to the procedures. This is especially true for minors, who can hardly assess the long-term consequences of sterilising hormone treatment on their lives. The doctors' exchange also shows how experimentally and unscientifically they work and that they are negligent in their treatment of patients with co-morbidities such as autism, schizophrenia or a dissociative personality disorder who express the wish to be castrated.
The “trans child” and its supporters
The WPATH issues treatment guidelines that are also used in Germany or recommended by translobby organisations[50]. The current guideline SOC-8[51] first lowered and then cancelled any age restriction or age recommendation. One chapter describes "eunuch" as a congenital gender identity that requires treatment. This chapter was heavily influenced by WPATH members and academics who also share fantasies, photos and videos of child castrations in a eunuch forum[52] [53]. Among other things, a video of the castration of Jazz Jennings filmed by Marci Bowers - the president of WPATH - appeared in this forum. Forum members also fantasise extensively about the interruption of puberty in children and their remaining in a childlike-looking body for the rest of their lives. This fantasy can be confirmed in people who are treated with puberty blockers at a very early age. Some of them go into the porn business as adults. The images and films of these damaged young and childlike-looking adults are in great demand. Marci Bowers is aware that children who are given puberty blockers at an early age will never be able to have an orgasm and that it will be difficult to surgically invert the penis if it has never been able to develop due to interrupted puberty.
Several trans activists - including Pulitzer Prize winner Andrea Long-Chu - are now calling for any age limit for interrupting puberty and allowing plastic surgery on the genitals and breasts. They describe it as a human right and sexual self-determination to be able to decide in favour of or against going through puberty.
Long-Chu demands:
"We must be prepared to defend the idea that, in principle, everyone should have access to gender reassignment medical care, regardless of age, gender identity, social environment or psychiatric history."
Florence Ashley, a member of the WHO Commission to Develop a Guideline for Transgender Treatment, believes[54] that "puberty blockers should be treated as the default option" for all adolescents, rather than "letting puberty run its course". The activist argues that the uninterrupted progression of this stage of human development "strongly favours the impersonation of cis people by increasing the psychological and medical costs of transition treatment"[55].
"Puberty blockers bring the hormonal future of transgender and cisgender people into a similar structural symmetry. Adolescents who take puberty blockers have all options open to them, as their bodies are not altered by either testosterone or oestrogen. Although much is still unknown about the long-term effects of puberty blockers, we can assume from the limited empirical evidence and clinical experience that the risks of puberty blockers do not limit future life paths as much as puberty itself".
However, following major protests[56], the working group announced that it would not include any recommendations on children and adolescents in its guidelines, as there was insufficient scientific evidence of the benefits of treatments for minors[57].
The German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality (dgti e.V.) also calls in several articles[58] on its website for minors to be allowed to undergo plastic surgery and for this to be financed by health insurance.
"To grant trans* children and adolescents treatment only after several years of gender dysphoria, as the planned standards in the eighth version are supposed to recommend, borders on denial of necessary treatment. It is to be feared that the German Medical Service (MDS), which also effectively excluded trans* children and adolescents in its most recently updated assessment guidelines, could introduce a general ban on treatment here. Children and young people have rights. This includes "leading a life in accordance with their own subjectively perceived gender identity and being recognised in this identity." Medical treatment for gender dysphoria is an essential part of this[59]."
As a rule, it is adult men - many of them fathers and with successful male careers - who discover the "woman" in themselves in midlife and become activists in favour of "child transition". Many of them do not carry out any interventions on themselves that they demand of children. The "trans child" serves them to legitimise their internalised homophobia or sexual deviance (autogynephilia)[60] as an innate constitution.
It also serves to reinforce their political demands. For example, the handout for a professional campaign for the international introduction of Self-ID ("Self-Determination Act" in Germany) is entitled "Only Adults? Good Practices in Legal Gender Recognition for Youth"[61]. The handout was written by the Thomson Reuters Foundation and the international law firm Dentons. A key piece of advice for the enforcement of self-ID is "no debate" - i.e. the prevention of public debate about the law. Another piece of advice is to "de-medicalise the campaign". In other words, there should be no discussion of the actual objectives, which include giving children and young people access to physically invasive measures.
The “trans child” as a campaign hook
It is no secret that marketing and political campaigns work very well using children as a hook. Nobody wants to deny a poor "trans child" born in the wrong body their rights as a child, as a human being and to self-determination. Especially not when it is claimed that these children would commit suicide if they were not affirmed in their idea of themselves. But nobody really knows what a "trans child" is supposed to be. Only the children themselves know. Nobody can check whether what these children say is really true. If you ask questions or express criticism, you are told that you don't know anything about it and are not allowed to pass judgement. If you ask further questions, you are labelled "trans-hostile". However, the WPATHfiles have made it abundantly clear that the supposed experts themselves do not know their stuff. Even Professor Annette Richter-Unruh, who holds a research professorship at the pharmaceutical company Ferring, admitted that she practises "learning by doing"[62].
When looking for advice, the "trans child" and their parents primarily seek peer-to-peer counselling from "affected persons". These people generally have no educational, medical or psychological qualifications[63]. In self-help groups, only the perspective of the parents is communicated, who confirm their "trans child" in his or her "true self" and support each other in this[64]. There is no critical perspective on the gender identity ideology and no encouragement in body and self-acceptance of the existing body.
With an immature brain (brain maturation for making informed decisions is not completed until the age of 18 to 25[65] [66]), the "transchild" is left with decisions that will determine the rest of his life - above all his sexuality and reproductive capacity, but also his health, because these children remain patients for the rest of their lives.
Linking the campaign to human rights ("Use human rights as a campaign point"), but also to touching personal stories ("Use case studies of real people"), is also part of the campaign strategy of Dentons and Reuters. There are countless examples in the German media - even in children's programmes[67] - of these personal stories of a child who is finally accepted "as it really is" and "does not want to have genital surgery without need"[68] or finally experiences "radical acceptance" from its parents[69].
However, if a "trans child" is "accepted as it really is" and "radically accepted", this means in concrete terms that this child is lied to about its unchangeable physical and gender reality, because no person can change their gender or determine it themselves. The way is being paved for severe body-invasive measures that will determine the rest of his or her life. They are denied normal development through puberty. His physical integrity is violated. The development of a healthy and satisfying sexuality is made impossible. The chance of becoming pregnant or fathering children is also severely restricted or even prevented.
The “trans child” is a defenceless child
To summarise, it can be said that the category of the "trans child" creates a child who is capable of consensus and decision-making about far-reaching changes in childhood. At the same time, it creates a group of minors who are denied the protection of physical integrity, while they are granted physical and sexual self-determination as a priority. The latter point in particular is dangerously close to the demands of paedophile groups and activists[70]. The ban on questioning the "trans child" narrative and the commandment "It's none of your business" also ensures that these children can be exposed to an influence that is forbidden to other children for their own protection and that society and legislators deliberately restrict for other children. These children are not told "You're okay the way you are". These children are allowed to determine and create "their true self" as an idea of a fictional physicality. These children do not learn that their body sets boundaries that they can learn to accept and appreciate. They do not learn that they can also develop an infinite variety of forms of expression and talents WITHIN these boundaries. They learn that diversity consists of turning a fiction of themselves into reality by manipulating and damaging their own bodies. They learn that it is possible for them to be born wrong and that they can buy or be prescribed a desired physicality. In this way, the customer of tomorrow is generated for an industry that makes money from people's desires[71].
"I wish I had never listened to the medical and psychiatric community when they told me it was possible to change my gender. That was a lie. Very dangerous and unethical. Gender reassignment surgery is hit and miss surgery, but they don't tell you that. They never do. And if I didn't have autism, if my brain wasn't so defective, I might have realised before it was too late. I wish there was a cure for autism, but that's unlikely. It's an endless suffering that builds on more suffering. I also wish voluntary euthanasia was legal. My death, which will probably be painful, has proven that ethics are not universal, nor do they exist elsewhere.
No one is really there for me. There's no reason to pretend. I have a gaping hole in my genital area with my colon oozing out (gross) and a ring of scar tissue blocking most of the entrance. If the colon can't empty, there will be severe blockage, which can (and probably will) then lead to blood clots, followed by death. I have already reached the stage of constipation[72]."
This text was written by Yarden Silvera. He wrote it as a review for the plastic surgeons responsible for his death. He died a few days later in March 2021 as a result of the damage caused by gender reassignment surgery. He was only 23 years old[73].
[1] https://x.com/DaisyIsNotHere/status/1756510498009276896?s=20
[2] https://www.youtube.com/live/zTB4251RljM?si=7NgIsyKXbE1OF40w
[3] https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/heilmwerbg/__11.html
[4] https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/heilmwerbg/BJNR006049965.html
[5] https://www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/110745/Mehrheit-fuer-Verbot-von-Schoenheitsoperationen-bei-Jugendlichen
[6] https://www.omsels.info/die-verbote-oder-was-darf-ich-nicht/2-heilmittelwerbegesetz/11-hwg-werbung-ausserhalb-der-fachkreise/11-abs-1-s-3-hwg-schoenheitsoperationen
[7] https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/ministerium/meldungen/2019/werbeverbot-schoenheits-ops
[8] https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/konvbehschg/BJNR128500020.html
[9] https://www.emma.de/artikel/trans-das-gesetz-ist-ein-desaster-337751
[11] https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/gender-dysphoria/what-is-gender-dysphoria
[12] https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277539512000982
[13] https://www.aekno.de/fileadmin/user_upload/aekno/downloads/schoenheitschirurgie-2012.pdf
[14] https://dgti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/PE_2020-05-08_Konversionstherapien_v2_D_E.pdf
[15] https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/gesetzentwurf-so-will-jens-spahn-konversionstherapien-verbieten-16467676-p2.html
[16] https://dserver.bundestag.de/btd/19/193/1919352.pdf
[17] https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/Documents/Issues/SexualOrientation/IESOGI/CSOsAJ/IRCT_research_on_conversion_therapy.pdf
[18] Churcher Clarke A, Spiliadis A. ‘Taking the lid off
the box’: The value of extended clinical assessment for adolescents presenting with gender identity difficulties. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2019 Apr;24(2):338-352. doi: 10.1177/1359104518825288. Epub 2019 Feb 6. PMID: 30722669
[19] Xu, Y., Norton, S., & Rahman, Q. (2021). Childhood gender nonconformity and the stability of self-reported sexual orientation from adolescence to young adulthood in a birth cohort. Developmental Psychology, 57(4), 557–569. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001164
[20] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Petras
[21] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/355816808_Hormone_Treatment_of_Transsexual_Adolescents
[22] https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/fileadmin/Dateien/3_Downloads/Gesetze_und_Verordnungen/GuV/K/GE_Konversionstherapienverbot_bf.pdf
[23] https://www.frauenheldinnen.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/GD_und_AnorexiaN_bei_Maedchen_Korte_Gille_Bd30_2023-2_c.pdf
[24] https://www.frauenheldinnen.de/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/GD_und_AnorexiaN_bei_Maedchen_Korte_Gille_Bd30_2023-2_c.pdf
[25] https://4w.pub/avoid-saying-gender-dysphoria/
[26] https://www.bundestag.de/resource/blob/921790/5bae174f4e7252b78d93e2b80cc6688c/WD-9-065-22-pdf-data.pdf
[27] https://www.instagram.com/transgenderchirurgie/
[29] https://www.tiktok.com/@topsurgery_duesseldorf
[30] https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6ugGaBhEAEBf5q7h3BAFrieOyyIoTIjm
[31] https://x.com/ronalyze/status/1737367188602773988?s=20
[32] https://queer-lexikon.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/BR-binder-v5.0-WEB.pdf
[33] https://queer-lexikon.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/BR_Tucking_v6_WEB.pdf
[34] https://queerdoc.com/nullectomy-nullification/
[35] https://www.bundesgesundheitsministerium.de/service/begriffe-von-a-z/g/genitalverstuemmelung#:~:text=Seit%20September%202013%20wird%20die,zu%20fünf%20Jahren%20bestraft%20werden.
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Great essay! I appreciate how you have explored the juxtaposition in how most children are treated vs how children are treated once they receive the label of "trans child." Somehow "trans children" are small adults capable of making irreversible medical decisions for themselves.
Hello, I'm a racist 24 year old whiteboi from Switzerland that's confused about his gender, I want to take steps in getting better. I'M in Therapy for having PTSD for being bullied for my ethnicity, we had 20 classmates, and 18 werr foreigners, so I'm fearful of getting replaced in my own country. All foreigners I meet make fun of me being Swiss. It made me fetishize being bullied for my race because I'm too weak to defend myself against these physically superior foreigners..I'm fearful of transitioning into a woman because my mother might think I'm a dissapointment and U still have an ego and my friends will laugh at me as being pathetic and a sissy. Can you help me?