Somewhat belatedly, I would like to provide a review of 2023 - a very exciting, eventful and exhausting year for me. First of all, I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all the people who have stood by me in this difficult year. I don't even know many of them personally.
What I had planned to do on this platform and last year only partially worked out. Instead, from March 2023 onwards, I was almost constantly involved in legal or police proceedings against myself. I see this as an attempt to stigmatise me as a criminal because, as a identifiable woman, I argue against gender identity ideology. I am not alone in this. All over the world, women have to reckon with being subjected to reputation-damaging campaigns, losing their jobs or even taking legal action to make their opinions and criticism of gender identity ideology heard and defended. Last year, the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women - Reem Alsalem - took a stand on these untenable conditions and called for "Allow women and girls to speak on sex, gender and gender identity without intimidation or fear".
I am now going through this year based on my personal commitment. In particular, my investigative journalistic articles on my Substack have made me vulnerable to legal action.
January 2023
In January 2023, I wrote an article about the Always brand, which provided material for sex education lessons in German schools, indoctrinating gender identity ideology. Always belongs to the American conglomerate Procter & Gamble. The teaching material was available on the platform.
Both the WELT and BILD newspapers picked up on the topic, which led to the material being taken offline. However, the always brand continues to provide a puberty portal on I reported on this process in a presentation at WDI. Always not only provides this material in Germany, but also in Canada, for example.
At the end of January, I documented how the German government instrumentalised Holocaust Remembrance Day - in Germany the day of remembrance for the victims of Nazi crimes - for queer politics. This earned me a shitstorm, especially from gay activists.
I also documented this process in the above presentation for WDI.
I also started a podcast and recorded two episodes with Eva Engelken and Sonntag.
February 2023
I was particularly active in February. I recorded a podcast episode with Livia - the wife of an autogynephile. In Germany, there is still very little awareness of what it means for women and children when a man declares himself a woman.
I wrote an article about "sexual identity in the Basic Law" - a project that is being promoted by current queer politics, but has long been demanded by paedophiles. Ferda Ataman – the Anti-discrimination officer of the German government – had voiced the demand on Holocaust Memorial Day. From then on, the issue in Germany was linked to the persecution of gays by Nazis, which means that criticism of this demand can be framed as anti-queer and right-wing extremist. I documented that several leading CDU politicians have since been successfully convinced of this political demand.
In mid-February, I also asked questions publicly on Twitter, which earned me two warning letters, which I legally defended or fought through. I was only able to do this because I received overwhelming support in a very short space of time via crowdfunding. Once again, my heartfelt thanks for that!
I added a Substack article to my Twitter questions - the only article with a paywall - because I was very surprised at how trans activists reacted to my questions and what consequences my questions had.
They thought they had to drag me from the Düsseldorf Regional Court to the Cologne Higher Regional Court because of my questions about the Fiely crochet butterfly. The proceedings ended with a settlement.
In addition to the warning, I was also threatened with charges on Twitter because of these questions, which I received at the end of the year. For example, dgti member Jeanne Riedel tweeted that he wanted to press charges against me and invented the defamatory hashtag "ronanieren" (a combination of Rona and masturbate), which has since been used extensively by Riedel and others. The quote that Riedel chooses here is simply wrong and was never uttered by me in that form.
Two other podcast recordings in February were conversations with Selena Broens about the situation of lesbians and with Stefanie Bode on "gender dysphoria".
I also summarised the OECD report on the LGBTQ+ situation in Germany. This report was the first of its kind. I see the fact that Germany is in first place here as an indication that the pressure on Germany to introduce gender identity laws is increasing. Strategically, this makes sense in order to gain access to the entire EU via Germany.
March 2023
In March, I was at the demonstration organised by the "Lasst Frauen Sprechen!" initiative and FAM in Munich to mark International Women's Day and gave a speech.
I also set up a petition against the "Wish for a Baby" fertility fair and against the legalisation of egg donation and surrogacy in Germany.
I also celebrated my birthday with some great women and some of these great women launched Frauenheldinnen e.V..
April 2023
At the end of April, I took part in the "Grimme Prize for misogyny" campaign and the "awarding of the grim turd" to Jan Böhmermann in Marl. This action was organised by the initiative "Lasst Frauen Sprechen!" parallel to the Grimme Prize award ceremony. Unexpectedly, we also met the queer commissioner and state secretary of the BMFSFJ, Sven Lehmann, who hurriedly ran away from us and didn't want to talk to us. We filmed him running away and his partner's dismayed reaction and I shared the video on Twitter with the comment that we were experiencing Sven Lehmann blocking us in real life - because Lehmann has actually blocked almost all women's rights activists on Twitter. This tweet and our encounter had repercussions.
A week later, Stefanie Bode and I published the free parental brochure "Wegweiser aus dem Transgenderkult" (Guide out of the transgender cult) on the website of the "Lasst Frauen Sprechen!" initiative - a summarised translation of the book "Desist, Detrans, Detox. Getting your child out of the Transgender Cult" by the American developmental psychologist Maria Keffler. The publication of the brochure triggered many discussions and a shitstorm from trans activists.
Within a very short space of time, people were of the opinion that this brochure should be banned, that we should be reported to the police and that Stefanie Bode's licence to practise as a psychotherapist should be revoked. The trans activists were confirmed in their request to censor the brochure by Sven Lehmann himself on Twitter.
They encouraged each other to discuss how the brochure could be reported as harmful to minors (one of the few possibilities for media censorship in Germany), how they could complain to the Chamber of Psychotherapists in order to harm Stefanie professionally, and what charges could be brought. It was also suggested that this was an advert for conversion treatment, which has been banned in Germany since 2020. Funnily enough, parallel to the heated discussions, some trans therapists and counsellors disappeared from Twitter and fled to Mastodon, where they advised each other on how to get clients. Some therapists and counsellors apparently felt threatened, even though I am doing nothing more than naming and questioning their actions - in view of the international developments surrounding the invasive and harmful treatment of minors by transgender clinics. More and more countries are realising that one of the biggest medical scandals is at work here.
Nevertheless, the transactivists achieved their goal. We were summoned by the Federal Review Board in July - initially with an outrageously short deadline in the middle of the summer holidays and with the demand to submit a statement in 12 copies within 14 days. As we called in a lawyer, the deadline was initially postponed.
May 2023
In May, many feminists and independent feminist groups submitted statements on the draft bill for a self-determination law. I also wrote a statement. Most of the feminist statements were not published on the BMFSFJ (family and women’s ministry) website. Instead, they were published by the initiative "Lasst Frauen Sprechen!". The date of adoption of the draft law was repeatedly postponed. To this day, the Self-Determination Act has not been passed in Germany.
June 2023
In June, women's rights activist Kellie-Jay Keen was in Vienna and Geneva. I was able to be there in Vienna and gave a speech. It was a very impressive experience with women from all over the world, some of whom had travelled to Vienna from very far away.
August 2023
In August - in the middle of the summer break - the draft bill for the Self-Determination Act was passed.
September 2023
In September 2023, it was decided that the brochure "Wegweiser aus dem Transgenderkult" would be indexed as harmful to minors with effect from 31 October. Stefanie Bode and I are taking legal action against this decision independently of each other. My lawyer has already been signalled that this could be a precedent that should be fought through all instances if possible.
In September, I was also able to give a short speech at the symposium on the Self-Determination Act organised by Frauenheldinnen e.V. at the Federal Press Conference in Berlin.
October 2023
In October, I was able to attend the largest feminist conference Filia in Glasgow, where I met many great women. Among other things, Sheila Jeffreys invited me to a tea/coffee with other women - one of the women who had a decisive influence on me.
In October, the “Lasst Frauen Sprechen!“ initiative also demonstrated against the "Wish for a Baby" fertility fair in Cologne and took a stand against the legalisation of egg donation and surrogacy in Germany. I helped a little with the organisation, but unfortunately couldn't attend.
November 2023
In November, I received a summons from the Dortmund Criminal Investigation Department for identification treatment for preventive police reasons. The reason was a charge of incitement to hatred because I had allegedly equated trans people as people with paedophilic tendencies and because I had allegedly linked the association "German Society for Trans and Inter with negative comments". The police officer also listed a number of other charges, the outcome of which is unknown to her. I should be "more likely to be identified as a perpetrator" - although I have not been convicted in any criminal proceedings so far and although I write and tweet with a recognisable name. WELT reported on my "case" in January.
December 2023
I was able to celebrate New Year's Eve with a few fun feminists of all ages. That was nice. And: there is still no self-determination law in Germany - a great success for feminists in Germany.
Here's to a new feminist year 2024! Here's to the women!
Thank you for such a wonderful and informative review of 2023, and for the translation. It's easy to lose sight of the achievements, when still in combat! I definitely agree though, 2024 is the year for feminists!