Progress of male sexual rights movement in Germany (en)
Talk at WDI about queer propaganda on Holocaust Remembrance Day 2023 and US major companys indoctrinating German schools with gender identity ideology
Am Samstag, den 11.2.2023 durfte ich bei der feminist question time der WDI (Women’s Declaration International) einen Vortrag über das “Male Sexual Rights Movement” in Deutschland halten. Der Vortrag ist auf Englisch. Ich spreche über Queer Propaganda am Holocaust Gedenktag in Deutschland und über die Indoktrination der Genderidentitätsideologie an deutschen Schulen durch amerikanische Großunternehmen.
On Saturday, 11th February 2023 I had the pleasure to give a talk about the "Male Sexual Rights Movement" in Germany at the feminist question time of the WDI (Women’s Declaration International). The talk is in English. I talk about Queer Propaganda on Holocaust Remembrance Day in Germany and about the indoctrination of gender identity ideology in German schools by large American corporations.